How alternator works?

Today's question is how actually battery works so long without getting discharge i know most of you know about alternator.

Let's talk about basic mechanism behind alternator is nothing but just an application of Dynamo let's see how alternator works.

The component rotates with crankshaft via support of V belt, schematic sketch shows that the shaft rotates having winding  results in generating EMF due to Magnets in rotor creates AC current.

We have used inverter for this purpose. And further battery will store this DC Many of you have asked me whether we have used capacitors in place of batteries.

When I was in Honda I have used 4 Capacitors instead of batteries, but condition is Capacitor must be fully charged for first   stroke and process goes on.

Identifying alternator wiring:

Circuit Alternator wiring Checking color of cable on socket Cable black-red = Ignition White cable have current (12V) when key Ignition in OFF position White cable have current (12V) when key Ignition in OFF position and the other 2 cable NO current Alternator and socket installed 1. White - S - Key IGN ON - 12 volts 2. Black/Red -IG/- key IGN OFF - 12 volts 3. Yellow- L - key IGN ON - 12 volts.

What is the difference between generator and alternator?

Where is the difference on the same many people say that both of these things are similar and they both do the same thing so generate an alternate is the same thing well this is not incorrect at all because you know both of these machines are used to convert the mechanical energy into electrical energy.

And both take the same thing same amount or same power that is the mechanical power and their primary work is to generate electricity but where is the difference is in their construction there are certain differences.

I'm going to differentiate between them the first difference basically for a generator is that by generator we mean a machine which generates the DC current okay you have heard about DC generator okay so DC generator is, so it's it is can also be an AC generator which we called induction generator okay or AC generator which is basically an induction motor which is working  at certain conditions where it generates electricity while an alternate is only meant for generating AC current there is no DC okay you can understand it by the fact that it is called alternator you can see it's called alternator, so alt means the alternating current okay, so alternator means alternating generator it can be defined in like that manner okay now let me wrap this up so that I can continue with the letter points okay so generator and alternator.

Next Thing

The next thing that is really important apart from what which machine generates AC and which

means in generates DC it is important to look at the construction by general construction a generator has something like this kind of figure there are two magnetic poles which can be permanent or which can be a which can be you know electrically connected electromagnets,

or it can be permanent magnets, so you can say that .this is North 'fl and this is South Pole and the field is stationary okay the field the magnetic field which is there is a stationary while

there is a shaft which rotates and generates electricity.

Okay it is something like that I'm sorry for my bad drawing up here okay, so this shaft is actually rotating in certain direction okay so the conductor it carries up a conductor and they what we get the electricity we get from this terminal from here we get the electricity through .brush and the slip-ring and all those things okay sorry commutators not slip-rings actually so we get electricity from here okay plus - okay so the magnetic field the magnetic field is a stationary magnetic field is really stationary okay the magnetic field is stationary it is a standby one whereas the armature or to rotate there is a rotating part of the conductor is what rotating while in case of alternative the thing is different an alternator basically looks like something like this is a kind of rotor you can see of an alternator.

It looks like this one this is the general trying given okay it carries up a winding this is called a field winding okay the field winding looks like this one, and it is connected outside within that resource or with our exciter okay, and it rotates within a frame within the station the stator or a straighter frame and this is rotating okay and this is connected of .course through brushes okay so the exciter is there, and it has certain polarity not whole South Pole polarities of course there of the rotor and here remain on the stator remains the stator conductors here you can three- phase conductors are there okay so when this matter.

When this magnetic field is cut by this this these conductors the electricity is generated in three- phase okay it is like this one so the there is the difference between both of these machines while in case of a generator you can see that the field is stationary the field is not moving while the conductor which is there for generating the electricity which is responsible for output is rotating while in case of the alternator the field is rotating while the output wires are not rotating or the output conductor is not rotating it is a stationary fixed to the stator there are certain advantages of this design about alternator people do ask me why we not connect the stator

Why we do not make it like generator like the field is standby and the the the these three- phase conductors are moving one, so you can make this one, but this design is really economical because you see if this is rotating if the three phases are rotating okay the three- phase conductors are rotating on the rotor, so you need to give three slip ring and brass Arrangements right okay whereas in case of excitation we are in case of rotor you only have to give two of these okay so only by connecting to brush and sleeping arrangement you can do this thing other than this there are certain economical advantages like on the design basis to

make this rotate is to make the three-phase conductors rotate is not that economical in case of you need high power

In case of high power demand it is always recommended the field is rotating one while the armature conductor, so you can see the output conduction is stationary one okay another difference is not that important, but this one was really important difference you should note it down that what is the basic difference between this generator and alternator okay apart from that what other points incoming in my mind is that a generator is bigger compared to an alternator okay generator is bigger okay the first thing it is bigger in size big enough okay and one another thing that is really important that it has really low weight sorry it has high weight per kilowatt output okay that means the weight of a machine for one kilowatt output is really greater than that of an alternator for similar purpose okay okay in context to this okay so alternator is basically used for that's why this is recommended for high power output various generator is not that much used.

If DC is required or nowadays rectified units are connected to alternator okay it is connected to rectifier bridge which can economically convert the AC current to DC current okay you know, so these are the basic differences between generator and alternator one of the one of the few exception you can see is the induction generator which is not that much used it is used in case of windmills you can check it out on the Google okay, so it is the only you can see the exception other than this an alternator is only used in case of production of AC while generator can actually produce DC or AC both, but we mean by generator that a machine. Which generates DC current basically okay, so this is the basic differences okay so moving to the next slide okay, so basically you make it note that a generator means the fill remains stationary while the conductor is rotating the conductor is the armature okay the armature from which we are getting the output while in case of an alternator the conductor is stationary.

While the field is rotating one okay, so this is the basic difference between generator and alternator.

I hope you understand about alternator.

If your battery light comes on while you're driving then you probably need a new alternator, so I'm going to show you how to check out your car's alternator and how to replace it if it's. The alternators and put in any electricity out into the charging system and I already had that figured out because this is a Toyota and here's a trick that often it works with Toyota's in a Toyota whenever you find that the battery light and the brake light is on at the same time that means the alternator is gone bad they just have a unique thing in their wiring system that when the alternator goes bad the brake light will often come on at the same time telling you that the alternator is bad now before you try to take the alternator off you should take one of the battery terminals off so bounden't fry the electrical system whilenyou're working just loosen one of the terminals take itmoff then you go to the alternator undertake the electrical connections off take.

The wires and put them out of the way then loosen the two bolts that hold the. Alternator on to the   engine is a 14 millimeter on the top and a 12 on the bottom yeah now comes the alternator now   alternators are almost always only available rebuilt so bring your old OneNote you go to get

another one, and before you put that new alternator unmake sure that the battery is fully charged so hook up your battery charger for about an hour before you start the car because a weak battery from the old alternator going bad can end up makingnthe new one work you long and burn offnquicklynthey get your new alternator and sticknit back on the engine then tighten thenbolts up and slip the fan belt on and then tighten the 12 millimeter adjusting nut until the fan belt is nice and stuntmen put on the electrical lead and tighten that up too and remember to put the battery cable back on, so you can start then start it up and voilà the battery light is off and in this Toyota you'll notice the brake light is off too because now that it's charging thatncircuit works normal remember.